Contact Ginny on 0412 88 2345


6 Ways a Couple Can Pump Up Their Slump

It can happen to any couple. The love is there, but it’s all become a little too routine. A little too repetitive. A little too, sigh, boring. Cheer up! There are ways to pump it back up and dump that slump! The Flip Side It’s rare that both members of a couple love doing exactly […]

Focus on the Couple

When a couple come in and they’ve had a baby, one of the challenges that they really face is this difficulty of spending enough time together.

Do You Always Need to Be Right?

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” – Rumi A very common pattern that I see couples discuss in my counselling room, is the need for one or sometimes both partners to be right. It’s often over something very minor to begin with, but can quickly escalate […]

It’s Never Too Late for a New Beginning

As we come to the end of January I am feeling recharged and refreshed. I have been thinking about how we go through cycles in our lives and in our relationships. My numerology friends tell me that 2017 is the start of a new 9 year cycle, so it’s all about starting afresh and leaving […]

Don’t Be A Martyr This Christmas

It can be hard not to get caught up in all the Christmas craziness at this time of year and make it all about creating a lot of added stress for yourself. While it can be an exciting time with a new baby or small children, I have seen many new parents stretch themselves financially, […]

Is It Time to Lighten Up?

With the longer days, I am enjoying all the light that pours into my office and home right through into the early evening. At this time of year, I find many of the couples I work with in counselling are stressed and serious. It made me think about how we might all benefit from “lightening […]

Five Ways to Get More Sleep

As a relationship counsellor I work with new parents everyday on all aspects of their relationships and their lives. A big factor that leads to conflict, irritability and even depression is sleep deprivation. While sleepless nights and disrupted sleep are part of the journey of parenthood, ongoing sleep deprivation can impact your health, your sanity […]

What Do You Need to Release Repair or Refresh?

It’s September and Spring is here! Flowers and leaves are returning to the trees and the days are getting longer. Just like the ever changing cycles of nature, you are also going through cycles of change in your life. Although we may want things to always stay the same, change is normal in a life […]

Are You Trying to Be a Superwoman?

I work with many new mothers in my counselling practice who are juggling lots of balls in the air. Some of those balls are: looking after baby, getting your career back on track, hitting the gym to regain that pre-baby body, and trying to stay connected with your partner, family and friends. While you are […]

How to Make Valentine’s Day Last All Year

Valentine’s Day is only a few days away. I hear many people say that they don’t bother with Valentine’s Day, that romance should happen all the time. I do agree with the sentiment that love and romance should not be confined to just one day of the year. However Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to […]