Contact Ginny on 0412 88 2345


Benefits of Spending Time With Family During Holidays

Our calendars are filled up with work, school, homework, and many other activities throughout the year. It is getting harder to find enough free time to spend with your loved ones. However, holidays are a perfect opportunity to be with your family uninterrupted and it is a perfect escape from the demands of everyday life.  […]

How to Communicate Better With Your Family During the Holidays?

We all love holidays because you can get together with everyone, go on vacation trips, share gifts with your loved ones, forget about everyday activities and work for a while. However, holidays may bring their own challenges and cause extra stress, especially if your family relationships are not ideal. Still, the holiday season is the […]

Parenting and the Importance of a United front | Couples Counselling

Among child-rearing experts, and couples counsellors, there is a nearly-universal consensus on the value and importance of creating a united front for your children. Being able to communicate easily and strongly with your spouse allows your child fewer entrances in which to doubt their parents’ judgement, and your job becomes considerably easier. But this is […]

Why New Parents Need Support

Having a child with your partner is an exciting time in your life but it can also be a very challenging period. Research indicates that marital satisfaction declines during the first 2 years of your child’s life, so if you are feeling unhappy in your relationship you are not alone. There are many reasons for […]

Dads Get Postnatal Depression Too!

You may have heard about post-natal depression in women, but did you know that new fathers also experience depression? It is estimated that 1 in 10 new dads struggle with depression following the birth of their baby. Anxiety is thought to be as common and many men experience may experience both anxiety and depression. Being […]

How Your Childhood May Be Impacting Your Parenting

As a couples and relationship counsellor, I see many clients whose childhood issues begin to resurface when they become parents. These unresolved issues could put extra strain on both partners as well as the family unit. This is a very common experience and we know from research in family therapy and attachment, that the biggest […]

Yours and Mine – Coming Together As A Blended Family

It can be wonderful when you fall in love and want to move forward in your commitment to your new partner. However when both you and your new partner already have children from your previous relationships, it will add a few layers of complexity to your relationship and your lives.  Blended families, as they are […]

Stuck at Home With Baby and Your Partner Doesn’t Get It?

Sometimes as a new parent there may be days when you never leave the house, have a shower, or manage to get out of your pyjamas. What happens when your partner implies you have been doing nothing all day, but “playing with the baby”? Comments like those from your partner may reflect that they have […]

How to Love Your Body Post Baby

I see many women in counselling who feel disappointed that their bodies don’t bounce back to bikini ready in just a few weeks post-baby.This is such a common topic that I was recently interviewed for Kinderling radio on exactly this issue (click here to listen). Unfortunately our expectations may not be realistic in this area and may […]

Learning to Say No Can Make You a Happier Parent

Do you feel angry with your children lately? Irritated by their behaviour? Feeling put upon and unappreciated? Finding it hard to enjoy spending time with them? Whether your children are babies, toddlers or teenagers, feeling angry or annoyed is a sign that you may need to look at your boundaries. Perhaps you are giving too […]